I'm a machine learning researcher at Saenoon where I am responsible to develop deep learning solutions for CCTV applications. Before that, I received my MS degree in Computer Science from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. My research interests include exploring challenging research problems in the field of machine learning.
You can view my CV here and see the published papers on Google Scholar.
Our paper accepted in IEEE Access journal. [July’22]
Our paper accepted in IEEE Access journal. [Nov’20]
Our paper accepted in AIM2020 workshop at ECCV [Aug’20]
Our paper accepted in IEEE Access journal. [Aug’20]
We participated in AIM2020 challange and won 1st in reducing memory consumptions, 3rd in FLOPs and 4th in Parameters. [July’20]
Springer’s journal Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences reviewer (IF 3.70) [July’20]
Our paper submitted to IEEE Access journal (IF 4.089) [Apr’20]
IEEE Access journal reviewer (IF 4.089) [Apr’20]
Volunteering at ICLR 2020 [Apr’20]
Paper submitted to ECCV 2020 [Mar’20]
Our paper submitted to IEEE Access journal (IF 4.089) [Mar’20]
Awarded an internship from Stars team @ INRIA. [2020]
A paper accepted in Conference of Multimedia Modeling (MMM) 2020 [2019]
A paper accepted in IEEE Access journal (IF 4.089) [2019] [Project Page]
Our paper accepted in IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT) [2019]
Attended ICCV 2019, Seoul [2019]